Hi, I'm Paulina

Bookworm, crazy cat lady and breakfast enthusiast

I'll greet you with a smile and probably ask about your zodiac sign. I bet you've got some killer stories to share, and I'm all ears. In the meantime, feel free to get to know mine.

let's hear it

It all started because I hated my 9-5

I've never been a fan of my 'normal' jobs because someone always telling me what to do and when to do it really grinds my gears. I've always felt that my purpose in life is to remind people how freakin' awesome they are. My passion for art and design led me to become a graphic designer, but working on soulless projects for big corporations just wasn't fulfilling. 

After seven long years of working with major brands and small businesses alike, I've come to the realisation that the key to a successful brand is authenticity and storytelling. In my humble opinion, anyone can build a killer brand that attracts the right people with a little passion, strategy, and authenticity.

I am here to help courageous, passionate women who aren't satisfied with an average life. You know who you are - the ones who refuse to give up and are willing to take risks to reach the next level.

Allow me to help you unleash your brand's full potential, snag dream customers, and create the empire of your wildest dreams. You deserve it.

let's be friends

This is my well behaved cat Cassandra - she makes the best biscuits and will probably meow loudly on our zoom calls

She's the boss around here

She's the queen

She's sassy

Create your Brand Strategy

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Sign up today and gain access to my free brand strategy workbook, designed to help you define your brand's essence, connect with your ideal audience, and skyrocket your business. 

Make your website work for you while you do what you love

Make the best first impression and instantly build trust with your dream audience

Raise your brands value and charge premium prices

let's work together

Are you ready for your own transformation?